Super Pave

Trinidad & Tobago

  • Super Pave

    Asphalt mix processing plant

  • Super Pave

    Asphalt mix processing plant

  • Super Pave

    Asphalt mix processing plant

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Ready for Traffic

Are there any disadvantages of using Cold Asphalt Mix?
It could be said, that because of the slightly longer time required for Cold Asphalt Mix to achieve the desired hardness factor, that may be perceived as a disadvantage. But, this slightly longer time, could also be an advantage, because of the Cold Asphalt Mix having a longer workable shelf life, it reduces the possibility of
cracking. However, if cracking does occur, the kneading effect of traffic will quickly heal those small cracks.


Super pave cold mix patch is a ready to use cold

mix asphalt made from selected blue limestone
aggregates and the world famous Trinidad Lake
Asphalt (TLA). These aggregates are carefully
graded an washed before being used.

Super Pave Cold Mix Patch may become stiff after lengthy storage..

This is normal and will not adversely affect the mix. Whenever this happens an ordinary masonry trowel is used take the material out from the bucket it is then separated
using the trowel. This will loosen the material to a workable consistency. Caution must be taken when using Super Pave Cold Mix Patch. It is recommended that gloves, goggles and where appropriate dust masks are used.

"Super Pave can provide quality goods and products to our customers and clients who we must always hold in high esteem"

Paving Your Way!!!!!!! ..

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